Sweet Trap
Product 2021 - 2022
Rhino, Keyshop, Acrylic

Data Collection, Research, Interview, Function Definition, Prot

Taiwan is a beverage hub with various options to quench people’s thirst or satisfy their sweet tooth. Especially, it is a piece of luck for office staff to have a hand shake beverage after lunch, helping them feel refreshed and energetic. This is because the sugar in drinks offers a steady supply of energy to human cells. Hence, when people feel tired, they will always buy a drink to energize themselves. However, problems occur when consuming too much-added sugar. The seemingly sweet beverages are far more harmful to the human body than we imagined.

This product design project focuses on helping people to
examine their sugar intake conditions. When the user keeps track of the status of drinking beverages for 21 days, do a comparison to find out whether the user reduces the amount of sugar intake or quits the habit of drinking sugary beverages.


Components and Function Description

User Flow Chart & Scenario

Based on “Karl Lashley 21 Days“ - How to Use it?
  1. Find the acrylic color filters corresponding to some amount of sugar and bubble ingredients.
  2. Place it on the PILLAR.
  3. Record it every day until seventh day ( 7 days for one phrase).
  4. View the total amount of sugar of first week
  5. Keep recording for 21 days.

When the user keeps track of the status of drinking beverages for 21 days, do a comparison to fnd out whether the user reduces the amount of sugar intake or quit the habit  of drinking sugary beverages.

Concept of Shape & Sketch

Karl Lashley 21 Days
People need 21 days to make a thought or behavior become a habit.

In behavior psychology, it is considered that people take at least 21 days to form a new habit, called 21-day effect. In other words, if a person’s actions or thoughts are repeated for 21 days, they will become a habitual thing.

  • The first stage: 1-7 Days = Deliberately and Unnaturally. People need to remind themselves at any time.
  • The second stage: 8-14 Days = Deliverately but Unnaturally. the sense of resistance has slowly disappeared.
  • The third stage: 15-21 Days = Inadvertently and Naturelly. People could slowly develop a habit.

The idea was originated from the overlapping cups of hand-shaking beverages. The overlapped part has a darker color. Hence I would like to transmit this idea to my work - the more sugar the user consumed, the darker the shade of the color filter.

Secondary Research

The trend of drinking hand-shaking beverages in Taiwan The density of Taiwan’s hand shake beverage shops is the highest in the world. There are some reasons for this. For one thing, the culture about drink is closely related to social interaction. With popularity of social media, more and more creative drink shops are opened. Also, affordable price urges more and more people to drink hand shake beverages.

It is worth mentioning that the favorite drink of Taiwanese is bubble milk tea. However, this is a sweet trap because this kind of drink contains refined sugar and trans fat, which induce cardiovascular diseases, leading to diabetes, obesity, and cancer.

Why do people get addicted to hand-shaking beveages easily?
Dopamine is released when individuals use sugar.
It is chemiical that causes feeling of pleasure and happiness, which is a reward system for the brain to reinforce certain behaviors.

Four major components for sugar addiction
  • Bingeing: to have more sugar to get a sense of satisfiction
  • Withdrawal: without consuming sugar, get anxious and emotional
  • Cross-Sensitization: get to other addictive goods.
  • Craving: be eager for sugary things, or may feel terrible.

Addiction is an inability to stop using a substance or engaging in a behavior even though it is causeing psychological and physical harm.

Data Analysis & Target Group

Especially those who are over 45 years old are overweighted.
  • 1 for every 2 Men
  • 1 for every 3 Women

Current Situations of DIABETES

In Taiwan, there are at least 2,320,000 people suffered from Diabetes. At least, 25,000 people per year. (Collected buy Health Promotion Administration)

  • People aging from 15 - 49 are the main group to drink hand-shaking beverages.
  • The portion of women who love to drink hand-shaking drinks is higher than that of men. (59.8% > 41.2%)
  • 79% of office workers have a habit of drinking hand-shaking beverages, who create over 7 billion NT dollars for drink shops’ income every year.

Empathy Map

Customer Journey Map

Diary Tracking

Target Group
Sugary Beverage < Mild / Moderate / Heavy Drinkers >
The total number in 6 people (Office Workers)

The target group is those who have stable income, and therefore drink is affordable to them. Also, they may have some experience about company’s welfare and peer pressure to buy and drink beverages together. 

Main Reasons for Buying Beverages

  • People may feel stressed
  • The get used to drink a beverage
  • Toppings can instead of meals
  • People may feel thirsty due to hot weather

Survey of Current Situations
  • Advertisements about drink would provoke their desire to purchase.
  • People’s choices of drink are easily impacted by social relationship.
  • Most people understand the side-effects brought by drinking sugary beverages.

Withdrawall Symptoms
For the people who are addicted to sugary drinks, they will be in a terrible mood and eager for beverages and their levels of anxienty and irritation will increase significantly if a day they didn’t drink beverag

Individual Experiment

To see whether there is a connection between sugar intake and the human body.

The Physiological Condition
The more sugar people consume, the higher level of blood sugar people have. If people do not consume sugar, the figure is steady and do not have too much change

The Mental Conditon
After drinking the beverage, people feel much relaxed and are in a good mood. However, they may suffer from unstable emotions and concentration level is down. As for the memory level, people do not have much feeling.


Mainpoints of Interview
  • To explore the relationship between drinkers and company’s welfare
  • To locate the relationship between drink, people and ssocial behavior
  • To see what is the real need from people to give up the habit of taking sugar.

Drive for quitting drinking beverages
  • Mood would be affected and energy levels would decrease the following day. 
  • Understand the drawbacks, such as suffering from diabetes,
  • This habit cause money-wasting.

Reasons for drinking beverages
  • Company Welfare
Company offers budget for staff to buy hand-shaking beverages
Indirectly encourages staff to consume sugar > Develop a terrible habit

  • Individual Conditions
Dopamine would be released when drinking sugary drink, conducive for people to alleviate stress “temporily.” For a long-term perspective, it is is to trigger negative emotioons and cause a decline in memory and concntration.

Material Testing & Prototyping

Test the material through cellophane. Explore the effect of color overlay.


The biggest challenge I met in this project is how to break away from the traditional thinking mode and use interesting methods to visualize the amount of sugar the user consumes. It includes the interaction between the user and the product, the display of sugar intake, and the visual presentation of warnings when the user intakes too much sugar.

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